- Saturday: 20mi run; 2.5mi swim. The run will be done on the IMTX marathon course and without an iPod *gasp*. The swim will be of the Open Water variety at Lake 288. It will be done sans wetsuit but in my brand new WTC Legal TYR Torque Swim Skin:
- Sunday: 100mi + ride; 7mi recovery run. A couple of buddies who are also training for IMTX will be joining me on this one. We are opting to stay close to home and do a local 22mi loop 5 times. It is right along Lake Houston and the wind will be brutal. Last time here we were holding a tight pace line into a crazy headwind averaging about 13mph - Good times. The run will be done at a snail like pace in my neighborhood.
- I have learned to embrace the pain that is an icebaths. Seriously, I do not think I could have made it through this training without icebaths.
- Preparing water bottles, gels, food, and other nutrition for these long weekend runs and rides seems to take up a helluva lot of my time?
- My car smells like a men's locker room.
- Speaking of men's locker rooms - I walked smack dab into the middle of a fierce Performance Enhancing Drug debate at my gym this evening. Four guys that were not very fit and about my age were discussing what they were using. When I came around the corner they all stopped talking and glared at me. Little awkward. But they were by my locker so I paid them no attention. After about 30 seconds of silence they all began talking about their PEDs of choice again. They must have decided I was okay to speak about this illegal activity in front of because my skinny triathlete ass would have no idea what it was they were speaking of - and for the most part they would be correct.
- Question I have been getting a lot: So Jeff, you have put in a lot of training and are almost to the end, how are you feeling? My Not-Really-Wanting-to-Talk-About-it-Answer is: I am Good. My Going-to-be-Honest-With-You-Answer-When-You-Only-Wanted-to-Hear-I-Am-Good is: My ass is dragging like an old tired dog. I am irritable, tired, emotional, and just downright agitated. My legs and brain quit communicating to each other about a month ago and I can barely follow a conversation that is more than 3 or 4 sentences. I have the attention span of an 8-week old puppy and all I am really motivated to do anymore is eat and sleep. But aside from that I am good.
- Can someone please give me a reason as to why Obama deserves a second term? Since he took office: Gitmo has not closed, unemployment has skyrocketed, stimulus packages have not worked, we went from 2 wars to 3 wars, political rhetoric has exploded, gas prices have doubled, healthcare is being suffocated by regulations and bureaucracy, it is almost May and we do not have a budget for the year, his administration has spent more than all other previous administrations COMBINED, a large amount of his staff have resigned or retired or quit, and this is just the failed efforts off the top of my head!! Why does he deserve to be President for 4 more years? I just want one reason ...
- Our weather has been absolutely beautiful the last few days. High 70's, blue skies, low humidity - sort of like San Diego without the crazy housing costs! But this will all change very soon as the Fumidity season will be soon upon us!
- I hate doing plumbing work. My outdoor sprinklers exploded this winter during a rare deep freeze and I finally got around to fixing them. I know how to do it but it is just a meticulous process which drives an ADHD person like myself crazy. All it took was four trips to Home Depot (and a little cursing) and the sprinklers were as good as new.
- During last Saturday's 100mi ride we drove past a brush fire. It was huge. Read in the newspaper the next day that it took out over 17 acres of land and a few homes - we really need rain. Could all of the rest of you that are getting tons of rain send some our way? Thanks, much appreciated.
Thanks for Reading,