Sunday, May 8, 2011

This Should Be Fun ...

Forecast for Ironman Texas:

Mr. OneHourIronMan probably has already checked this 1000x!

If this forecast ends up being accurate then all of us racing are going to be in for a very, very long day.



  1. That is blistering. I hope that you guys are able to deal with the heat. Good luck!

  2. ... At least the swim will be pleasant??

    You know what they say, you'll have far more pride in your accomplishment from finishing a TOUGH AS F*CK ironman than an easy peasy one (*cough* IMFL *cough*).

  3. Hey WTC, please don't run out of water. That would suck. Again.

  4. Yikes, that's going to be HOT!! I did a couple of Sprint Tris in those temps last year and thought I was going to die...I can't imagine going that distance in that heat.

  5. You will be in for a long day no matter what the weather. You can't change it no worries (said the pot to the kettle).

  6. That forecast is pretty hot, but you totally have this race! You are going to do awesome regardless of the weather!

  7. The A-hole side of me wants to make a wise crack about the temperature, but even I am not that cruel.

    Ok, new game plan. Just finish in 8-9 hours and get off that course and out of the heat ASAP :)

  8. TX in may? Always a possibility. But at least everyone has to race in it.

  9. All IMTX participants please send there thank you notes to:


    The premier magnet for bad weather IMs.

  10. That is one cold and cruel joke mother nature is playing on you all. Wait, I mean HOT and cruel joke? Eh, just doesn't sound right....

    Fingers crossed the weather changes!

  11. Holy hotness! That will be one HELL of a race ;-) okay, okay... bad joke, I know. sorry. couldn't stop myself :P Stay hydrated.

  12. Some sun? Please! That forecast means, water and ice on head at every mile of the run and of course sticking the hydration game plan you already have in place.

  13. UGH. I like how it says "some sun" Um, what KC said. Holy moley

  14. My IM had a very similar forecast. Be careful and smart out there. Hopefully it will change before then.

  15. at least you will know what to do?! your practice and experimentation with fuel over the past year will help a ton...

  16. WEll, that sucks, I hope WTC has enough water. Its 60 here

  17. yikes! that's hot... but it's a humid hot tho, right?

  18. Wow, fueling will be critical! But you can handle it!

  19. is that a picture of the sun you posted or an egg frying?

  20. wow, that sounds like a horrible heat forecast. Not sure if it is always that hot every year, but should they have the race this time of year if so? Good luck in the race, make sure to hydrate a ton!

  21. i cant decide what's worse... the year IMLP was terribly cold and torrential downpours the entire day or a hellish sweat fest! either way, you will dominate! drink drink drink!

  22. egads! I will be sending cool thoughts your way. (and too all my Richmonders out there!)

  23. Yikes!! Ice and Hydration...Im sure you will do great despite the temps.

  24. Ok... Where are the haircut pics? :). We are sooo ready for this. One step at a time! I am getting giddy! How sadistic is that?

  25. oooof. Start hydrating now!

  26. YOur Chris Berman post is gone, but still readable in my reader.

    I love taper

    I hope I have walk around money for Rev3

    We were at 94 yesterday, WTH!!!! I dont live in the country of texas
