Sunday, December 13, 2009

30 minute Trainer

My wife was scheduled to do 20 miles today for her Higdon training plan. I decided I would do between 5-10 miles with her. So we got ready to go and decided to take 2 cars so I could come back and watch football while she finished off the rest of the run. She backed out of the driveway in her car and my car decided it did not want to start, lovely - Dead Battery.

This is a company car so Annie went to run and I went in to call the leasing firm who handles repairs and roadside assistance. After all that was done and reported it was getting closer to NFL time so I decided to watch the pregame shows and ride my bike on the trainer.

Tomorrow is the start of my new triathlon training program so I want to be fresh going into that so I only did 30 minutes on the trainer. Once again I had an awesome workout on that thing and sweat like crazy!

Tomorrow is a 40 minute run and then a 40 minute swim. I will do the run in the morning and the swim after work.

Thanks for Reading,
