Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Win a Trip to France or some Vibrams ...

I got an email about this contest and thought you guys might want to sign up as well.  First place is a trip to France (which is a very cool place despite all the French people) to see the ultra trail running championship.  And Twenty second place prizes to win a Vibram Five Fingers shoe.   Maybe if one of you win the trip I can be your +1 -  I am an awesome travel companion and can drink mass quantities of alcohol and still wake up on time, a skill I am very proud of,  so I can be like your personal alarm clock ....just saying:

May the force be with you ...



  1. a "morning after, on time, drinker" seriously?!

    You've got skills.

    Serious skills.

  2. 10 years of French class and I am so ready for First Place! Oui, oui!

  3. Em - I might have exaggerated slightly but you do what you have to do to win trips right?

  4. Sounds like a good deal to me! Thanks for the heads up.

  5. sounds like a great contest! I'd love a trip to France, but I've been wondering about Vibrams too. thanks for passing this along.

  6. I want to go to France! The only problem is there is no way and hell that I would take first place:) So you can drink like a rock star and still get up on time!?! Very impressive!

  7. I knew I liked you. That is a skill I perfected as a raft guide. Thanks for the heads up on the contest!

  8. I'd hit the Normandy invasion beaches rather than the trail running...but I think the sponsors would have something to say about that. And those 5-finger shoes give me the heebies. I'm such a curmudgeon!

  9. I might be too lazy to enter... A write up? Too hard... You enter under my name and I'll split the trip with you! :)
