Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It is Kinda Like Fight Club ...

You know the first rule of Fight Club right?  Do not talk about Fight Club.


Keep it to yourself.

Good things stay good by not telling others.

But sometimes you just WANT to get something out in the open. Sometimes you NEED to get it out there, right?

Okay, here it goes ...


Wait for it ...

Wait for it ...

I have not had a flat on my QRoo Tri Bike in 2010! That is over 2500 miles!

Feels so much better getting that off my chest!!!!

Now that I said it the chances of getting a flat on my next ride are 100% right?  Well, that is the plan people.  I know it is gong to happen and my next race is 2.5 months away so my thinking is lets just get it out of the way now.

So happy that is resolved.

Thanks for Reading,



  1. ummmm you are one brave sole.... knock on wood!

  2. You definitely need to practice. On your next ride, stop and change a tube... "just for fun". Now that I think about it, I should do the same.

  3. I love how what you say directly applies to ME.

    I have not even changed a flat yet.

    I need to get on that stat.


  4. I didn't get a flat on my bike all year and I was sure that I would get one during my race on Sunday. I even dreamed about it and everything. But, nothing happened! Yay! I'm hoping it will be the same for you too!

  5. Here's to hoping you get a flat! And I mean tomorrow and not in 2.5 months :)

    I won't admit to how long I have gone without a flat out of fear of jinxing myself. I'm dreading my first race flat.

  6. At least you said it yourself. Can’t blame anyone else!

  7. I hate you.

    Yup, that simple haha.

    Sabotage your self with potholes.

  8. WOW!!!!! Lets just say I am glad I wont be riding with you anytime soon!!!! Wow, Jeff, just wow

  9. Wow, you are definitely going to have a flat now!

  10. I hope your flat comes sooner rather than later!

  11. I can't believe you talked about Fight Club. What more is there to say?

  12. That just like saying to the pitcher in the 8th inning with 24outs "Hey-did you know you only need 3 more outs for a perfect game" or to the bowler with 10 strikes in a row "Hey-two more and you will have a 300" Yikes! Talk about jinxing yourself!

  13. Wow dude, that's awesome. Either you're adept at avoiding the glistening objects and shards in all that Texas shake-n-bake, or you've just screwed yourself and will be changing a flat this weekend!

  14. What tires do you have on your bike? I had zero flats in 2009 and have had 2 this year. One at the end of the life of my first pair of Conty 4000s. The second on the factory tires on my new Felt (which I immediately chunked!).

    I hope I am back to average, making up for my good year last year and thus done with flats for 2010!

    On the H2O audio - do you have trouble when swimming, biking or running? I have never used it swimming, but don't seem to have an issue while biking or running. I used similar buds before though. Have you tried the other size buds?

    Good luck with the whole flat thing ...

  15. Yes everyone this was an attempt to try and sway that old law of Murphy's and provoke the cycling gods enough to inflict a flat on me! See if I was to go into my next HIM in May flat free that would be very bad. And I have 2 new Bontrager tires sitting in the garage waiting to called to duty!

  16. 2500!!!!! I have had at least 4 (and 2 on one ride one time).

  17. For God sake, be careful! Keeping my fingers crossed for you:) Those damn flat tires always seem to come at the worst time!

    Happy weekend Jeff!

  18. Ok, while we are confessing...

    I haven't taken a spill involving my clipless pedals...just clicked in a rode away from the very first day!
