So, I did Kenpo this morning. I forgot how fun this workout was! Sweat. Sweat. And more Sweat!
I needed it to because we went to see Gran Torino yesterday afternoon and then went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner. I did not eat or drink a thing at the movie theater but the Italian place got me. I had a fresh baked roll that was awesome. Then I did okay with a salad, avoiding all the fried appetizers! Dinner was lobster ravioli and it was amazing. It was in some sort of sauce that was probably 99.5% fat - I felt like a huge fat ass for the rest of the night!
Well, it didn't weight me down that much because when I got on the scale this morning to take the official weight of the 1 week point of P90X - I lost two pounds - down to 162. Which is good because I was able Bring It hard this bast week but also bad because I really want to gain a few pounds back.
I am not quite sure what my next step is going to be. I might change up my supplements a little from being so Protein heavy and focus more on gaining some mass. (CellMass and Nitrix) I might have to buy a few more heavy dumbbells -- 40's and 50's - and start lifting extremely heavy.
Well tonight starts Week 2 so see you in few hours!
Thanks for Reading,
You may just need to up your calorie intake! I have started eating a little more and am up to 170.5 at 9.3% bodyfat.