Tuesday, April 7, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 78 & 79: C/S/T & Plyo

Sorry I did not post an update yesterday. My butt was dragging like an old tired dog and I chose sleep over blogging! So, today I will do a write up for both days.

Annie did C/S/T with me yesterday. This was her first time doing this workout. She was gripping about all the different type of push-ups Tony makes you do and I was just laughing away! She loved all of the Triceps exercises. I was finally able to break into the double digits on reps during the Plyo Push-ups. These usually hurt the heck out of my shoulders and neck but today I was very strong! And then came my Pike Presses ... I did 17 reps of these bitches!! A great way to finish up my last C/S/T workout!

Today I took down "The Beast", Plyometrics. I was a little concerned that I was going to have a crappy workout because I was tired after working a ton of hours today. But I took my NO Xplode and the energy came back to me two folds! I kicked the snot out of plyo today and I am glad that I will be done with workout for a few months. Bye, Bye Plyo!

Over the last two days my nutrition has been pretty solid. Aside from a couple of light beers last night I was right on with my ratios and my calorie intake. Today at lunch time I went to a restaurant in downtown Houston and had a grilled lemon chicken breast with veggies. It pretty much seemed like the same recipe from the P90X nutrition guide!

On a side note, I am pretty sure I am not going to finish off the last recovery week as written. I am really getting into this Triathlon training and want to mix in the swimming, running and bicycling more and since I am so impatient with everything I do it is going to begin next week!

Off to see if Jack Bauer can kill some bad guys!

Thanks for Reading,



  1. Ha! I said goodbye to Plyo X for at least a month myself! There was a smile on my face as I slid it back in the sleeve. And 17 Pike Presses with your feet on a chair...that's awesome!

  2. I love those plyo pushups, especially getting airborne!

    Where will you be doing your training swims? So far I am doing them in a pool because I can get it done at the gym which is close by work. I will also do some ocean swims before my triathlon.

    What is the hardest of the 3 for you? For me it is the running!

    Project Exercise

  3. Thanks Steve -- I am not going tp miss Plyo one bit! But i am going to miss the C/S/T workout, especially the Pikes! I am considering adding whole workout into my Tri training.

  4. Boomer,

    I've been looking around at eh local gyms that have indoor pools. The one I am probably going to join has a 25M pool with individual lanes but my concern is that is it on 3'6" deep? That maybe enough but seems shallow to me?

    The other pool is the local YMCA and because of the many groups that use it sometimes matching the hours with mine might be challenging? I have one more place that I am going to check out!

    I am jealous you have the ocean swims available. I could drive down to Galveston (45mins) and do it there but it is such a dirty area.
