Wednesday, January 21, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 3: Arms and Shoulder (ARX)

No these are not my abs -- at least not yet! I went with an ab pic today because my own abs are so darn sore! I am one of those people who feels the most soreness on the 2nd day after a workout and today was no exception. I mean my abs were killing me all day. I was actually dreading doing Ab Ripper X because of the pain. BUT I am so glad I did Ab Ripper X because it actually alleviated the pain a little and I feel much better now. And I did ever rep on ARX which is very cool.

Anyways, I started out this morning with a chocolate whey protein shake and a whole wheat bagel with some peanut butter on it ... very good. I had a Pure Protein Bar for a mid-morning snack and a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat with some apple slices for lunch. The midday snack was another protein bar and a couple of whole wheat crackers. After my workout I had a 60G Wheybolic Extreme Protein drink and for dinner I just had a salad with leafy greens and carrots and Annie is making some sort of chicken and asparagus dish -- which should be good! Overall a very solid nutrition day, right around 2600 calories and a nice balance of carbs and protein. I also had about 10 bottles of water which is an absolute must. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate....your workouts will be more crisp and your body will just feel more healthy.

As for the Arms and Shoulders workout today I was able to BRING IT! Grunts and yells today people. I cannot believe how different the workouts are using Dumbbells over resistance bands. The bands are effective but the dumbbells are just awesome. The burn I am feeling using the dumbbells is so much stronger than the bands and in hindsight I wish I had used dumbbells my first go around with P90X -- live an learn! If I keep bringing it like this those abs in the picture above are going to be mine!

I am going to post my before photos in a little while. I will just put a link at the bottom of this post and also somewhere on the right toolbar

Tomorrow is the pain-in-the-ass 92 minute long Yoga X. I am going to do it and try to remain positive the entire time. I have to travel to Dallas early (4am) on Friday morning for a convention and I will be back Saturday evening. Since Friday is Chest and Back and that is a hard DVD to do in a hotel room I am going to take Friday as the Rest day. I will do Chest and Back on Saturday and Kenpo X on Sunday. This way I stick to the schedule and do not miss a day. I think I may only have to travel one more time in the next 90 days but my goals are to be in shape for this summer because in June I am going to the Outer Banks with my family and in July I am going to Pamplona, Spain with my buddies for the Running of the Bulls -- I need to be in shape so I don't get trampled!!!

Thanks for Reading,



  1. I am still busy as a bee but, I see that you are getting along fine! Keep up the hard work I am sure it will pay off!! I read about the wellsphere thing looks pretty interesting I'll have to check it out as well! I have been putting off doing Upper Plus all day and still don't feel quite ready....I will muster up the courage here before to much longer.

  2. Hey Buddy, Nice job on sticking with the PLUS! I got to tell you I am loving doing the original again. Just no-nonsense sweat and pain! Good luck with the upper plus that thing is brutal.

  3. Your initial pics look good. It will be fun to see how or if you change over the next 90 days.

  4. Thanks Jen - I have lost some definition in my shoulders and abs. The time I took off to deal with the shoulder injury did me no favors! The cool thing is that I am in much better shape than I was during my first round of P90X so I am able to Bring It that much harder each day. I am hopeful that my 30 day pics will show a dramatic difference.

    Thanks - Jeff
