Sunday, February 8, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 20: Kenpo X

Good Day! Posting a little late. Was doing some painting in the house and my cable modem and router were unplugged but now the painting is finished and yesterday was my Kenpo Day. Kenpo used to be one of my favorite workouts, but the last couple of weeks it has felt rather monotonous to me. When I first started P90X Kenpo made me sweat like an ice cold bottle of beer sitting on the beach, but now I barely break a sweat. My HRM said I burned only 325 calories and my average HR was 121.

In my opinion this is both a good and a bad thing. The good being that I am in much better cardio shape and general overall health then I was before P90X. The bad being that Kenpo just isn't doing it for me anymore?

So, what is a P90X junkie like myself to do? Last week you might remember I mixed in the Interval X from the P90X PLUS DVDs. I love this workout the the problem was that I did it in place of Yoga and then did Legs & Back on Friday. Well, by the time Saturday morning rolled around my legs were pretty much toast. Those two workouts back-to-back were a little too much to handle, at least on a weekly basis. This leaves me with an opportunity to get the most out of my workouts while still doing routines that I find enjoyable (except for Yoga). So, I am going to do Interval X instead of Kenpo from this point on and I might even do Kenpo Plus to mix it up more. Now your probably thinking, "What the heck is Kenpo Plus?".... Kenpo PLUS is another DVD from the P90X PLUS workouts. It is only 42 minutes long and it is more intense than the original Kenpo but less intense than Interval X, hence the reason I will do Interval X. And if you want to know why I am not doing the entire P90X PLUS program read about it here: P90X PLUS Review.

Now that we have things cleared up I am off to enjoy my clean eating day of rest.

Monday begins my first "rest week" of Round 2 and I can't say that I am really looking forward to it. During Round 1 the "rest week" was very much needed, but this round?? .....Not so much! I have actually put a few pounds back on due to my increased calorie intake and use of heavy dumbbells during the weight training days and am fearful the cardio heavy upcoming week will have me drop those hard earned lean pounds! I might mix in a few weight lifting reps on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We'll see....

Thanks for Reading.


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